e-Exam in Calabar, Ikom centres well-organised, peaceful - Mojaye

By Joel Nkanta
Mojaye in the Exams Hall at Ikom Community Study Centre

The conduct of the ongoing 2024_1 e-exams at the Calabar Study Centre, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Calabar, has been described as cool, well-organised and the supervision superb, Director, Olusegun Obasanjo Centre for African Studies (OOCAS), Prof. Eserinune McCarty Mojaye, has said.

Mojaye also described the exercise at the Ikom Community Study Centre, Ikom, as peaceful and the atmosphere cordial.

Giving the evaluation in a chat with the NOUN News correspondent, the director said he was satisfied with what he saw at those study centres.

Mojaye, who arrived Calabar Thursday, June 20, 2024, to observe the conduct of the 8.30 a.m exam was warmly received by the Centre Director, Calabar Study Centre, Prof. Onyekachukwu Iwuchukwu, who also took him round the centre on facility tour.


Similarly, on Friday, June 21, 2024, the OOCAS director arrived Ikom Community Study Centre, where the Centre Director, Mr. Emmanuel Onyenebo, was on ground to receive him.

Mojaye opined that his tour of the two only study centres in Cross River State was satisfactory.

He commended the managements and members of staff of the two centres for their efforts and sterling performance in ensuring smooth exams administration at their respective study centres.
