Onwodi (5th left), Acting Director, Dr. Bibian Ugoala (6th left) and staff of the centre
The Service Excellence Award being exhibited by the Centre Director, Dr. Theresa Ettu, and Senior Counselor, Mr. Udo Ndaeyo Okobo
NURTW management with the NOUN centre management
Acting DirectoNSCDC centre director, Mr. John Ubaji, in a group photograph with the freshmen
Member representing Igabi federal constituency (right), exchanging pleasantries with the Director, Kaduna Study Centre, Dr. Babangida Iro

NILEST visits VC, explores collaborative opportunities with NOUN

In a bid to foster collaboration and enhance synergies in the realm of education and technology, a 6-member committee from the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), has recently embarked on a courtesy visit to the headquarters of the National Open University of Nigeria (N

The DVC, Administration, alongside the RETRIDOL director, hosting the visiting team at his office