The integrity of our exams must be protected - Aliede

By Joel Nkanta
Aliede (middle) explaining a point to the Centre Director during the visit

A Professor of Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Jonathan Elom Aliede, has asserted that the integrity of exams at the university must be protected.

Aliede made the assertion on the sidelines during his tour of Uromi Community Study Centre, Edo State, to monitor the ongoing 2024_1 Pen-on-Paper (PoP) examination.

The communication expert, who was warmly received by the Centre Director, Dr. Oluyemi Ogundiwim, said that the decision of the management of the university to monitor the exams meticulously underscored its commitment to protect the integrity of the institution's assessment system and quality assurance jealously.

Aliede counseled the students to embrace the virtue of hard work in their studies and to eschew the temptation to cheat in order not to incur the wrath of the university.

The former Centre Director, Fugar Community Study Centre, spent Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd May, 2024, to monitor exams at Uromi Community Study Centre.






